The Story of Ajna Chakra

Ajna (“Ahgnia”) Chakra, the sixth of the seven major chakras, sits above the top of the spine in the middle of the skull, the nearest outside point being the space between the eyebrows.

It is variously represented by the colour indigo or by a pale moon colour, colours of deep silence and stillness, also of resonant emptiness and solitude.

The elemental association is that of pure essence, the sense it relates to is intuition.  The seed sound of Ajna is aum (“om”).

Physically Ajna relates to the eyes, the skull and the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain).  It also relates to the pituitary gland – responsible for regulating hormonal secretions from other endocrine glands to maintain our biological processes.  The pituitary gland is the master commander of the hormonal system and links activities of our brain to our body chemistry and vice versa; our body chemistry and physical health directly affect our mental state.

Ajna processes the input of the chakras beneath it.  It is the eye of your mind which gazes inwards.  It helps us make sense of what we take in with our senses, our urges, clarifies our duties and goals, and regulates what we feel emotionally.  It is the source of our intuition.

In the face of mental and emotional turbulence caused by change, Ajna takes the “charge” out of the situation by discriminating between opportunities for influencing change and times of acceptance where change is unavoidable.  It helps us to quickly see the situation and then put that worry behind us.

If the mind is stilled Ajna is the conduit to clarity of thought, inspiration and the right way forward.